Complete, weekly residential trash removal service for your home. Please call 970-834-1144 for more information.
You can expect to receive your cart(s) one to two weeks prior to your first service date.
Container Sizes:
35 Gallon:
Household size: 1-2 people. Cart holds 1-2 kitchen sized garbage bags per week.
65 Gallon:
Household size: 3-4 people. Cart holds 3-5 kitchen sized garbage bags per week.
95 Gallon:
Household size: 4 or more. Cart holds 5-7 kitchen sized garbage bags per week.
Additional carts available at an additional cost.
News and Updates
Please note:
We are closed on New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas. If your scheduled pickup day falls on or after one of our observed holidays, your pick up will occur on the following day, with Friday service being completed on Saturday.
Automatic payments
If you would like to set up automatic payments, please contact the office or login into your account. Please note that automatic payments are processed on the 1st day of the month that they are due. If you have any questions, please call 970-834-1144.
Mountain High Disposal uses Soft-Pak as our online payment tool. Call 970-834-1144 or email us to get started.

Contact Us Today!
Our Customer Service Representatives are eager to answer any questions. Call 970-834-1144 or send us an email.